Collection Development –
Material Selection

Materials for the library collection are chosen to serve the informational, educational, and recreational need of the community. The primary goal of selection is to provide the best possible collection with the financial resources available. The decision to purchase is usually based on demand or anticipated need.
The library provides service to all within the framework of its rules and regulation and does not knowingly discriminate in its material selection regarding race, creed, sex and occupation or financial position.
Objections to items in the collection should be made in writing to the library Director. Materials that no longer meet the needs of the community and no longer support the library’s collection will be withdrawn and disposed of in accordance with the library’s “Dissolution of materials” policy.
The Newhall Public Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association, both of which are included and intended to be a part of this policy statement.
Adopted: 11-15-99
Reviewed and revised: December 2003, 2006, April 2010, December 2013, Reviewed September 9, 2019
Collection Development –
Guidelines for material selection

The responsibility for material selection and development of the collection rests with the library Director, who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the Board of Trustees. Recommendations from readers are given consideration. Reviews from one or more book reviewing media, or from recognized trade or professional journals are recommended.
GIFTS AND DONATIONS: The Newhall Public Library welcomes gifts of new and used books, audio recordings, DVDs, and similar materials. Items will be added to the collection in accordance with the selection policy of the library. Once donated, items become the property of Newhall Public Library, free will donation, traded, or discarded if they are not added to the collection. Donated items will not be returned to the donor and the library will not accept any item that is not an outright gift. The library also reserves the right to decide when a gift added to the collection must be withdrawn.
Donated used books must be clean and free of dirt and odors. They must also be recent copyrights preferably not more than five (5) years old and in good condition. Acceptance of all materials will be at the discretion of the Library Director.
Monetary gifts, bequests, and memorial or honorary contributions are welcome. Funds donated will be used to purchase items in accordance with the selection policy of the library.
WEEDING: Weeding of the collection is an ongoing process related to collection development. Material that is worn, damaged, outdated or no longer used may be removed from the collection. Withdrawn books will be disposed of in an appropriate manner.
Adopted: November 1999
Reviewed and revised: December 2003, 2006, April 2010, December 2010, November 2013
September 9, 2019
Collection Development –
Request for Reconsideration

An individual or group may take issue with library materials that do not support their tastes and views. If a patron’s concern is not satisfied through discussion with staff, a formal, written request for reconsideration of materials may be submitted to the library director. The Newhall Library is not a judicial body. Laws governing obscenity, subversive materials and other questionable matters are subject to interpretation of the courts. Therefore, no challenged material will be removed for the complaint of obscenity or any other category covered by law until a local court of competent jurisdiction has ruled against the material. No materials will be knowingly added to the library collection that have been previously determined to be in non-compliance with local laws.
For a request for reconsideration to be considered, the form must be completed in full. The patron submitting the request must be a resident of the library’s jurisdiction.
The following procedures will be followed:
1. Any material being challenged will be pulled on the receipt of a completed “Challenge Form”.
2. The Director will establish if the challenge form is proper, does it apply to the materials in question and if it is complete.
3. If found to be relevant and complete, the Library Board will then decide whether to remove the material from circulation or place it back on the shelf.
Adopted: November 1999
Reviewed and Revised: December 2003, 2006, April 2010, November 2013, September 9, 2019
Collection Development – Deselecting Policy
Materials that no longer fit the stated service roles of the library, or have failed a challenge, will be withdrawn from the collection. This may include materials that are damaged, include obsolete information, or are no longer used. Decisions will be based on accepted professional practice, and the professional judgment of the library director or designated staff. When necessary, local specialists will be consulted to determine the continued relevance and reliability of materials.
Items withdrawn from the collection will be disposed of in accordance with local law, which permits discarding into the trash, recycling of paper or put out for sale. Materials failing a challenge may be given to another library or destroyed at the sole discretion of the director.
Adopted: December 2003, 2006, April 2010, September 2013, September 9, 2019