INTERNET USE - Computer and Internet

The mission of the Newhall Public Library is to advocate and promote excellence and
innovation in library services in order to provide statewide access to information for all Iowans.
The resources of the Internet have greatly expanded the amount of information available to Iowa
The World Wide Web home page is designed to offer easy and convenient access to the
wealth of information resources on the Internet. The sources listed are generally reliable and
useful. Be advised, however that the Internet also contains information, which may be
inaccurate, outdated or personally offensive. The Newhall Public Library assumes no
responsibility for the quality, accuracy, or currency of any Internet resource.
The use of Internet resources carries with it a responsibility to evaluate the quality of the
information accessed. Parents are strongly advised to monitor their children’s Internet use. If
you feel information obtained through this service is inaccurate or offensive, we suggest you
contact the original producer or distributor of that information. The availability of information
does not constitute endorsement of the content by the Newhall Public Library.
Also be mindful of the following:
*Iowa law makes it illegal to download or purvey child pornography, purvey
pornography to children, or to commit fraudulent acts using the Internet.
*It is the policy of the Newhall Public Library to fully comply with the United States
copyright law.
*The Newhall Public Library cannot guarantee confidentiality over the Internet.
--Computer is available on a first come first served basis. User has 30 minutes of
computer time when others are waiting to use the equipment. User MUST sign in before using
computer. Educational and Reference needs take precedence over recreational needs.
--Any abuse or mistreatment of the equipment will cause the user to lose the privilege of
using the computer for a length of time to be determined by the library Director.
--No food or drinks allowed by the computers
--Noise will be kept to a minimum so as not to disrupt the other patrons.
--There will be no sending or receiving pornographic or obscene materials. Staff reserves
the right to end a session if inappropriate material is displayed on the screen. Public access
stations and Internet may only be used for legal purposes.
--Any attempt to destroy data or files will result in loss of privileges.
--Personal disks or flash drives may not be used in library computers - (this policy is no
longer being enforced as of January 2011)
--It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor or restrict a minor’s use of the Internet.
--The library when possible will provide information, training, and assistance when
necessary to operate hardware and software.
--Users may not incur any costs to the Newhall Public Library through access to fee-forservice
information providers, shopping online, or any other Internet use.
--User may not change the configuration of software or hardware on the Internet
--Illegal acts involving Library computers may also be subject to prosecution by local,
state, or federal authorities. It is against the law to download of provide child pornography
where it may be seen by children (Iowa Code, chapter 728.2).
--A printer is available with copies costing .50 for black and white and .50 for color.
◼ ABSOLUTELY NO downloading to the Library’s computer hard drives.
◼ No personal disks or flash drives may be used in the library’s computers. Disks can
be purchased from the Library for $1.00 each. – (this policy is no longer being
enforced as of January 2011)
--WARNING: Software downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus and users
should have virus-checking software on their personal computers. The Newhall Public Library is
not responsible for damage to a patron’s disk or computer, or for any, loss of data, damage or
liability that may occur from patron use of library’s Internet services.
Adopted: November 1999
Reviewed and revised: December 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013, September 9, 2019